von Kabo | Aug. 15, 2019 | allgemein, Festivals, MetalDays, News |
MetalDays 2019 – 20.07. – 26.07.2019 What a awesome Trip. This was my sixth time in Tolmin as Staff photographer. It was a great time with sun, rain, great People and a spectacular Location. Enjoy the Pics and I’m looking forward to see you next year. ...
von Kabo | Aug. 7, 2016 | Festivals, MetalDays, News |
MetalDays 2016 Now, i have finished my work… From the 25.7. -30.7. took place the MetalDays 2016 and I was again an official photographer there. It was a great time with sun, rain, great People and a spectacular Location. Enjoy the Pics and I’m looking...
von Kabo | Juli 28, 2015 | Festivals, MetalDays, News
Metaldays 2015 Die Metaldays in Tolmin sind schwer zu vergleichen mit anderen Festivals. Tolmin liegt im Norden von Slowenien und ist genau das richtige um Urlaub und Festival zu vereinen. Die Metaldays finden von Montag bis Freitag statt, so das das Wochenende davor...